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What we did in 2015

On February, 9, we organised a conference “Ukraine – an unfinished revolution. From systemic transition to geopolitics”. The event took place in the Polish parliament’s building in collaboration with the Energy for Europe Foundation. The conference was attended by representatives of Ukrainian NGOs including “The Lviv Knight” (Львівський Лицар), „Narodna Samoobrona” (Народна Самооборона) and „White Berets” (Білі Берети) which are all devoted to supporting Ukrainian soldiers and victims of war in eastern Ukraine.

From January, 1 to December, 31, 2015 we run an all-year-long fundraising action to raise money for humanitarian aid to Ukraine (public fundraising event registered in Poland under no. 2015/340/OR). The collected funds allowed us to buy and send to Ukrainian organisations two delivery vans to serve as emergency vehicles, and medical equipment (medical backpacks, first aid kits, haemostatic dressings and regular dressings, medicines , etc.).

To Polish schools and libraries in Ukraine we also delivered a few dozens of cardboard boxes filled with books (a total of 500 kilos) sponsored by DEMART publishing house from Warsaw. Our Foundation also supported a Warsaw-based high school Liceum Polonijnego Kolegium św. Stanisława Kostki.

In November, the Foundation co-organised a study visit of ASBIRO students to Lviv which focused on opportunities and conditions of running a business in Ukraine.

In December 2015, in cooperation with the Ivan Franko State University in Lviv we published another book entitled „Potencjał słowa. Międzynarodowe stosunki i komunikacja: stan i perspektywy” (“The Strength of a Word. International Relations and Communications and their Prospects”).

What we did in 2014

From January to March, the Foundation and polukr.net vortal focused on events around the Euromaidan in Kiev, Lviv and other locations in Ukraine.

The Foundation helped to organise and later became a partner of a project „NATO-Polska-Ukraina. Partnerstwo dla Pokoju. 20 lat później”, (“NATO-Poland-Ukraine. Partnership For Peace. 20 Years Later”) (Details in Polish can be found at http://nato.wsiz.edu.pl/) Project involved a debate and an academic conference on various aspects of Polish-Ukrainian collaboration under the auspices of NATO and the perspectives for the future in the face of current challenges brought about by the unstable situation in eastern Ukraine.

Within the project a book of the same title was also published.

In May, in cooperation with the University of Information Technology and Management and Regional Centre of International Debates in Rzeszów we organised a Polish-Ukrainian academic conference on the changes in Ukraine following the Euromaidan. The conference was attended by representatives of Vasyl Stefanyk Ciscarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk.

In August 2014, polukr.net vortal supported a ForUArmy fund-raising event during which money was raised for the members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces deployed to the ATO zone (details in Polish at: http://foruarmy.eu/index.php/pl/)

In November 2014, polukr.net vortal provided support and media coverage for the 14th Economic Forum in Lviv.

On December, 1, 2014 in collaboration with “Euromajdan Warszawa” we organised a debate “Ukraine and Poland a year after Euromaidan”

What we did in 2013

From April to November 2013, we run our own project “Ukraine in the European Union” which promoted integrating Ukraine into European structures.

In May 2013, in collaboration with the School of Trade and Logistics and the Vasyl Stefanyk State University in Ivano-Frankivsk we organised in Warsaw a conference on Polish-Ukrainian relations in the run-up to the signing of the EU Association Treaty. The event was also supported by the Marshal’s Office in Rzeszów and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Council.

In June, September and October 2013, the representatives of our Foundation and polukr.net vortal participated in academic conferences in Ivano-Frankivsk and Yaremche. They also attended the Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój. In November and December 2013, we took part in the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, and the Euromaidan in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities.

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